Thursday, 27 February 2014

Almost 11,000 admissions to hospital for obesity recorded in 2012-13

Almost 11,000 admissions to hospital for obesity recorded in 2012-13 Although number of admissions is slightly down on previous 12 months it is still alarmingly high, obesity expert says.

Reality check: we are we really overweight?

There were almost 11,000 admissions to NHS hospitals in England for obesity in 2012-13, official figures show.

Although the number is down on the previous 12 months – the first time there has been a decrease since the dataset began in 2002-03 – it is more than eight times the amount 10 years earlier and still alarmingly high, according to an obesity expert.

Dr Aseem Malhotra, who sits on the obesity steering group of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, said: "These figures show that the obesity epidemic is still a major public health crisis. While there may be a minor decrease from last year, they are still alarmingly high.

"It's concerning that one year after the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges – which represents almost every doctor in the UK – published a list of 10 recommendations on obesity, not a single one has been adopted. Until this happens, this problem is only going to get worse."

The academy recommendations include a tax on sugary soft drinks, public funding to extend weight management services, action to reduce the proximity of fast food outlets to schools, and a unified system of traffic light food labelling for supermarkets and food manufacturers.

The Health and Social Care Information Centre statistics recorded 10,957 admissions to hospital with a primary diagnosis of obesity in 2012-13, compared with 11,736 over the previous 12 months and 1,275 in 2002-03. Despite the overall year-on-year fall, there was an increase in admissions among both the youngest and oldest age groups. The number of admissions among under-16s rose 12% to 556 and the number of admissions among those aged 65 and over rose 6% to 594.

There was also 10% increase last year from 2011/12 in the total number of admissions with a primary or secondary diagnosis (when it is deemed relevant to care but not the first diagnosis listed) of obesity to 292,404.

Alison Tedstone, director of nutrition and diet at Public Health England, said: "PHE are committed to tackling obesity as people who are overweight or obese have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers. There is no silver bullet to reducing obesity; it is a complex issue that requires action at individual, family, local and national levels. We can all play our part in this by eating a healthy, balanced diet and being more active." The Guardian

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