Friday, 1 February 2013

South London Healthcare NHS Trust: notice of decision by Secretary of State

South London Healthcare NHS Trust: notice of decision by Secretary of State:
This notice of the Secretary of State's decision in relation to South London Healthcare NHS Trust aims to secure sustainable provision of health services to those patients served by the trust and in the south east London health economy. It states that the trust will be dissolved, with each of its hospitals taken over by a neighbouring hospital trust. These mergers are subject to approval from the relevant regulators. All
3 hospitals within the trust will be required to make the full £74.9 million of efficiencies identified by the Trust Special Administrator.
All vacant or poorly utilised premises will be vacated, and sold where possible. The Department of Health will pay for the excess costs of the PFI buildings and write off accumulated debt so that the new organisations are not saddled with historic debts.  It will also negotiate an appropriate level of transitional funding to cover
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