Monday, 4 February 2013

Department of Health launches 12 week consultation to establish a full set of NICE quality standards and guidance for social care

Department of Health launches 12 week consultation to establish a full set of NICE quality standards and guidance for social care: Source: Department of Health

The Department of Health is looking for ideas from care users, their families and carers, service commissioners, care providers, and front line staff to help decide on future topics for NICE guidance and standards for social care.
Some of the potential NICE standards for discussion in the consultation include:
. Falls
. Deprivation of liberty safeguards
. Medicines management in home-based settings.
The role of NICE in driving up the quality of social care is outlined in The Caring for our Future White Paper. The 12 week consultation ends on 26 April 2013.
Responses to the consultation can be made online or by downloading a full copy of the NICE consultation document.

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