Wednesday 21 November 2012

Public Health Outcomes Framework gets technical refresh

Public Health Outcomes Framework gets technical refresh:
The technical refresh of the ‘Public Health Outcomes Framework’, which is published today, is the fulfillment of the promise to continue improving the range and quality of information in the framework.
Working with Public Health Observatories, local authorities and the NHS, the Department has now produced an update to: ‘Improving outcomes and supporting transparency’.
The commitment to produce policy updates setting out more detail on what we want to achieve in a new and reformed public health system was made in ‘Healthy Lives, Healthy People: Update and way forward’.
Originally published in January, the ‘Public Health Outcomes Framework’ covers a period of 3 years and sets out the desired outcomes for public health and how these will be measured. It concentrates on increased healthy life expectancy, and reduced differences in life expectancy and healthy life expectancy between communities.
Also being published is the first set of baselines on an interactive Public Health Outcomes Framework Data Tool,  which will allow local authorities to assess their own outcomes against the various indicators.
The intention is to expand the number of indicators and range of equalities breakdowns that are presented as and when the data becomes available.
Details of what has been updated
Updated versions of the following are being published: the summary technical specifications in Part 2 and the following 3 Appendixes in Part 1:
  • Appendix A: ‘Overview of outcomes and indicators’
  • Appendix C: ‘Breakdown of indicators: local disaggregation, inequalities and equalities characteristics’
  • Appendix D: ‘Readiness of indicators’
Read the documents:
Useful links:
If you have any questions about these publications, you can contact the policy team:
 Department of Health

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