Friday, 20 April 2012

Early implementers sought to test long term conditions year of care funding model

Early implementers sought to test long term conditions year of care funding model:
Early implementers are being invited to apply to test a potential new way of funding long term conditions care. The LTC year of care funding model will be tested by six early implementer sites and prescribes a set approach for the purpose of national evaluation.
The model is described in Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention long term conditions which is published today along side an application form and supporting guidance for those interested in becoming early implementers.
The deadline for applications is Friday 25 May 2012.
QIPP long term conditions is aimed at health and social care commissioners and providers who are implementing integrated LTC care services to improve outcomes and people’s experience. The funding model has been developed through the QIPP LTC work stream to support health and social care teams in integrating care in a more sustainable way by aligning funding with people’s needs.
The  model, which is is not mandated,  has been developed using evidence and best practice and  will be formally tested by the early implementer sites. The model will evolve over time with this testing phase informing future developments. Department of Health

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