Friday, 4 November 2011

Inpatient diabetes - £600 million excess outlay could be reduced with specialist care

Inpatient diabetes - £600 million excess outlay could be reduced with specialist care: Source: NHS Diabetes

Area: News

Research published by NHS Diabetes has found that the NHS in England spends more than £2.3 billion a year on inpatient care for people with diabetes - equating to 11% of NHS inpatient care expenditure. It estimates that approximately £600 million of this outlay is estimated to be excess expenditure on diabetes, over and above the sum spent on a population of the same age and gender without the condition. People with diabetes are more likely to be admitted to hospital, have longer stays than people of the same age without the condition and are more often admitted overnight for planned procedures that could be performed as day cases. Despite the high levels of spend, diabetes inpatient care remains poor in many areas and people with diabetes experience avoidable complications while in hospital.

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